Dear Carnegie Rhino Families & Faculty,
As we complete our second 6 weeks, and start to find our groove, I want to take a moment to thank all the parents and staff who have been instrumental in getting the CVHS PTO off to great start this year.
We already had several exciting events, including Fish Camp, Fall Parent Coffee Talk, Start of School Teacher & Staff Breakroom Re-stocking Event, as well as the biggest PTO Teacher Supply Drive ever! We have hosted monthly teacher appreciation lunches and funded the prizes for the weekly Student Advocacy Class competitions.
October 27th, at the PTO Meeting, we had an excellent presentation on a topic near and dear to all our hearts, school safety, by Campus Safety Officer Jimmy Mapp and Principal Moss.
We know that CVHS is an award winning school. We know it is challenging for our students, but it is also demanding for families, faculty & staff too. PTO is a great way to find your tribe, talk to people who know what you are going through and can give you advice or just a sympathetic ear. You’re not alone at Carnegie. Join the PTO!
Welcome to the crash!
Maria C. Calzada
CVHS PTO President