CVHS Career Day 2024 - Inviting speaker sign ups

10/7/2024 1:04 pm

Carnegie Vanguard High School is hosting its annual Career Day on Wednesday November 13th from 10:20 am until 12:15 pm.

This day is designed to help our students explore a possible choice of career and majors in college that relate to the career.

We are asking parents/friends/colleagues to present their job/profession to our students in a 30-minute session.

During the session, each presenter could talk about:

  1. The college / university attended or specialized trainings/ certifications
  2. The degree (major/minor) and/or development- evolution of his/her career.
  3. The main responsibilities of the career and an example of a typical day.
  4. What you really like about your job and what can be less rewarding.
  5. Your predictions about the future of that career path.
  6. The salary range for your job/occupation.
  • You are welcome to have a Power Point presentation or any support of your choice to help with the visualization and understanding of your work (such as pamphlets, models, videos etc...).
  • Since the session will be 30 minutes, we recommend that your presentation last 20 to 25 minutes which will leave time for a short Q&A.


  • We would love for you to sign up for multiple sessions. There will be a 10-minute transition time in between 2 sessions.

  If you would like to volunteer, please sign-up below and choose one (or more) 30-minute session(s).


We really appreciate your help and time.

Thank you for your involvement.

We understand that “life happens” after you have committed so, please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your visit.


Please feel free to contact me at  if you have any questions.